Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Site Visit

Todo suave here in El salvador. A lot has happened since my last blog post, hopefully I can cram it into the next few posts.  Last weekend we visited a current volunteer in San 'something' Caminas.  He had quite a few kids show up to the soccer cancha and we played all sorts of games with the kids. After the small stuff we played a game of boys vs. girls soccer.  It was the first workout for me in El Salvador and it felt great.  I've been trying to keep at it since.  Playing basketball or hiking the cerro, anything counts, and it's so hot that a 15 minute workout feels like a 45 minute workout.  After playing with the kids and enjoying a handful of pupusas we went over to the volunteers house to check out his living situation.  His room was ¼ the size of mine and his door was a bed sheet, but he only had the best things to say about his living arrangements.  Visiting his site got me soo pumped to go to mine, once my spanish is better of course.  Everyone in the cantone loved him and it seemed like he really integrated and has become part of the community despite his struggle to work with the school director.
Here are some pictures at the volunteer site...

all the trainees and Dave the volunteer...

 what you looking at...
 pan dulce, on my way to Cordito...

This last week was filled with spanish class and visits to the local ADESCO (local community board) and witch doctor/curandera.  I had the first 2 of 3 basketball games in the local tournament.  We won the first one and lost the second one.  It is pretty difficult training to play a team sport in a second language but i'm getting the hang of it.  Aqui! Tira! Cola! Centro! Afuera! That's all you need to know. During the week we also went to the open air market in San Vicente.  Pretty intense experience.  Slabs of meat hanging out, buckets of fish at your feet, and any type of fruit or vegetable you desire.  Not to mention a plethora of machetes and hammocks.  You have people running in and out of the crowd selling the same things for a dollar, it's like a dollar store that finds you. 


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