Saturday, July 23, 2011

Cory is a girls name

hello everyone in los estados unidos. i finally got a chance to get on the internet in my community at a ciber cafe.  I am in a small cantone (smaller than a pueblo) called San Esteban, about 30 minute ride in the bed of a truck with 15 other people smashed together like sardines. We got dropped off with our spanish teachers and 2 other volunteers and walked the cantone to each house we are staying in. The town is very seguro and everyone is very friendly and outgoing. especially the ninos. It was a humbling experience getting dropped off in my host family{s house. i live with a mother and her daughter, on the weekends her brothers stay in the house because during the week they work in san salvador. san esteban is very tranquilo. i am able to understand more and more each day and my spanish is coming along poco a poco. Before being dropped in the community we stayed in a hotel in San vicente where we had running water and meals cooked for us. The training was all day err day about medical and security issues as well as survival spanish and homestay etiquitte. The first weekend is a peace corps initiation, today we walked the town with a couple kids and drew a mapa of all the tiendas and important spots. after the kids took us on a hike up the cerro (large hill) it overlooked other cantones and then we watched a local futbol match.  My host mom Yolanda is soo nice and cooks me the best meals, avocado, carne, arroz, frijoles, juevos, jugo, coca cola, tortillas and fruit on the side. im so fat.  the house im staying in is soo nice and my room is double the size of my room in carlsbad or any room in davis.  it is seperate from the house and the communal bathroom has a shower and flushing toilet, estoy suerte. Before coming to the community i was pulled aside by one of the youth development leaders and he told me that i have a girls name and should think about changing it to avoid any unwanted attention and being the joke of the cantone.  so after much consideration i decided to be JESUS. pero, im thinking i want to have a nickname along the lines of Chuy because Jesus is too formal and its a lot to live up to.  Tomorrow is a free day where i can work on mi tarea and study some spanish or possibly hang in the parque and meet some ninos. I am going to ask Yolanda to teach me how to handwash my clothes and see if there are other chores i can do besides play my guitar.  Monday i am suppposed to follow a family member around for the whole day so i am going to be shadowing Yolanda todo el dia. There are no men of the house during the week so Yolanda and i are going to become best amigos.  There is are so many projects to be done during training and it is kind of discouraging with all the language i need to pick up but i am going to take it day by day and gain the confianza of my community.  Tuesday begins our normal schedule and i will be having spanish lessons with the other volunteers at my house every monday, wednesday friday and tues and thursday will be spent in San vicente at the training center doing other cosas.  I have lots of pictures and videos that hopefully i will be able to upload sometime next week.  besides that i am just trying to stay cool and keep a  good attitude.  the rain hits soo hard around 5 every day and is sooo intense. also people drive around in their trucks every night yelling stuff. hopefully ill understand it soon.  anyways, until next time PEACE


  1. First of all, I apologize for giving you a girls name. Why don't you use "Cor" or "Cor-man"?
    Secondly, I'm glad you have a nice spot to stay during training. I had a good friend in elementary school named Yolanda, we called her YoYo.
    I think your first priority should be to figure out what the people driving by at night are yelling. Hopefully it is a welcome chant. : )

    Te quiero mucho! Mom

  2. Eileen, Matt and I agree with you about finding out what they are saying. Hopefully it is not "Donde esta el gringo?" (o la gringa porque Cory esta la nombre de una niña!)

    Cory, maybe you can go by "Cory el hombre"

  3. Gringo may be better than El Diablo Blanco. Sounds like the food will not make you home sick at all, sorry mom. Looks like Fiestas Agostinas is right around the corner any plan on checking it out? Do you know the street address of where you are staying right now?

    Adore la vida

  4. haha I can't believe that guy seriously pulled you aside and said that. so good. sounds like you have a good setup down there. do work buddy.
